Pipe Major or Drum Major Hand Embroidered Baldric Sash Custom Made

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Product Code: HOS-PDS-01

Availability:In stock

£215.00 215.00
Drum Or Pipe Major Baldric/Sash (Custom Made). 100% Hand Embroidered. 
Front side embroidery only.
With Two Mini Drum Sticks. Gold or Silver braid on both sides.
Made to Order Only.
This listing is just for ONE Baldric/Sash and single side embroidery. A computerized layout is also listed so you can determine how we work on the sash at initial stage after receiving your logo, crest and whatever you would like to embroider. This layout also showing measurements of our standard size sash however you can change size per your height. 
Please send us your colored drawing, design by using our email info@houseofscotland.pk

Dispatch time: 30 working days.